Player 2

I was once playing a video game. It was game that i made myself and it was the beta version. I tested what my creation was like. When i started out i picked One Player Game.
Then i saw a somekind of weird thing that wasnt from my game. I didnt even know what it was. I thought it was just bug or i programmed something badly so i continued playing. 
I heard a voice from inside the computer. It said Hello with creepy low voice that scared me out because it was nighttime. 
I said: Hello
Computer said:What an nice day, Patrick!
I was shocked. How the computer would know my real name. I thought this would be REALLY weird error in programming. Then it started talking again
Computer:I know everything about you. You are 18 years old, living in Seattle and living close to an park. You cant go checking what is wrong with this game. Im outside your house.
I heard a door opening and walking noises
Computer said:Goodbye Patrick MUAHAHAHAHAA
Then a creepy ghost come to my room and he screamed very loud and it broke my ears. Then he came to my room and take an knife and cutted my head off and he jumped through window...